Category: Stress Management

I Don’t Want Drama!

What is drama? “I don’t want any drama!”   What does it mean when people speak of “drama” in a relationship?  People use that expression when they are intolerant of the emotions or dramatic behaviors that others display.  The term “drama” is used to describe someone who frequently displays a wide range of emotions (usually anger, sadness, jealousy) with high intensity.  No doubt, this is uncomfortable for many people to accept or tolerate.    Drama stirs up conflict within a relationship or a group system.  The person displaying these intense emotions is not looking for a solution to the conflict, but finds satisfaction in the venting of the emotions.  This is a trait that confounds others, who…

Want Less Stress?

Challenges during the Covid19 outbreak have us wondering if we would be able to have less stress. The upcoming school calendar has been an issue in the national news for weeks. Plans have been discussed, proposed, then debated further. Some plans have been revised, retracted, and finally each state is making decisions in coordination with parents, teachers and CDC guidelines to find a way to safely resume the system of educating students, either in classrooms, online or in a combination of those options. Employment situations are also in a state of flux. Many individuals who have been working remotely from…